personality matters
Haley Tubbs returns to talk about the science field trip that wasn't, and whether Jessica is right about guys with "too much of a sense of humor." What fun! All in the the name of LOST AT SEA, of course.
Extra Drama #56
Marissa: [00:00:00] extra drama for book number 56, lost at sea
Hello everyone. I am your host, Marissa flax, Bart. Welcome to extra drama and welcome to our guest this week. Haley
tubs. Hi Hailey.
56 haley: [00:00:30] Hello.
Marissa: [00:00:32] Well, we've been talking about the rollicking sea adventure and the deserted island drama that is lost at sea, sweet valley high number 56. And it all started with a lowly extra credit science field trip.
56 haley: [00:00:48] The catalyst.
Marissa: [00:00:50] the catalyst. Ooh, a good, a good science word. Did you ever go on a cool science field trip? Like this? This seemed like so extra
to me.
56 haley: [00:01:00] it did. So I'm honestly, I'm still... ba-dum-shhhh, ocean plug. So.
I have two brothers, um, both of them were able to go on the field trip. It was the eighth grade field trip that every eighth grader in my hometown went on. Um, and it was a, it was called sea camp. And it was a week in the keys where you do just a crash course of Marine biology and the Florida keys.
Um, get on a bus you drive overnight to get there. and they have all these stories. They talk about like, you know, snorkeling with sharks, deer that would just approach you in the keys. Everyone having like close encounters where they got to feed deer, not really necessarily a Marine biology thing, but that was a cool story
lots of people had, yeah, you got to like research things in an actual lab. Um, a lot of just like this field trip, a lot of, you know, driving around on boats, I'm sure tide pools were a huge part of it, anyways, when it came time for me to go on the field trip, they booked the field trip over Halloween weekend.
Halloween was on a weekend this year and nobody signed up. So they canceled the field trip because they didn't have enough interest. And I've been sad about it ever since.
Marissa: [00:02:21] aww, just, like Elizabeth would have been, awww,
56 haley: [00:02:27] know, I'm sorry that that's not a particularly uplifting answer to your question, but that is what this reminded me of from the beginning.
Marissa: [00:02:35] amazed to know that there is such a thing that happens like that is so similar to the trip that these kids went on. I mean, you up in Florida, right?
a little bit more like California than where I was in high school, which was in Northwest Indiana, on lake Michigan. We were on a body of
boy, I sure don't remember ever going on a science field trip to do anything on the water in lake Michigan. I don't remember doing any cool science field trips in high school, really. I mean, maybe I'm just forgetting about them, but so they couldn't obviously couldn't have been that cool. W you know, I was in girl Scouts, so we had a certain amount of like that element of like being out in nature and
56 haley: [00:03:15] True,
Marissa: [00:03:16] you know, lots of different kinds of badges that you get for, know, learning about different kinds of plants and all that stuff was a big part of my childhood, but it wasn't a part of science class.
a part of like recreation.
56 haley: [00:03:31] Yeah, definitely.
Marissa: [00:03:33] I had some cool science experiments that were like out in the field when I got to college, actually, there were sort of like science courses that you took if you were not on a, kind of more science-y track,
we had, a core curriculum, like requirement for every different area.
So like, you ha you still had to take science, even if you were a film studies major. Like I was, but doing that, we got to do some pretty cool stuff. We had an early assignment where we were like measuring the cosmic microwave background. Even at the time I was like, this is wild
because we had this, you don't really, it's the university of Chicago.
We had this like really intense equipment at our disposal. So we're like
56 haley: [00:04:15] amazing.
Marissa: [00:04:17] I honestly don't remember how we did it, but I remember that I remember being up with like this telescope and like observing something. And the information that we observed was like, whatever way we crunch the numbers showed us that that's, that's what we
were observing.
56 haley: [00:04:34] That's amazing. That's so cool.
Marissa: [00:04:36] That's pretty cool. also this thing. We have like monk parakeets here in California, those pretty little green
56 haley: [00:04:42] Yeah,
Marissa: [00:04:43] They also exist -- at least they did when I was in college, in, in Chicago, Hyde park, especially. And so we had this, experiment that was like kind of a field experiment where we went around, like trying to observe them and like talking about where we, where we saw them.
And that
was, that was fun.
56 haley: [00:05:00] I went on, so not to just talk about Tappity the whole time, but it's applicable very much so here. Um, so, uh, we, were doing a week on the rainforest, um, and the activity that particular week, um, because typically we'll do like a fun magic school bus style mission, um, where we go on a science adventure, I'd very narrative adventure and learn something, learn many things, hopefully, um, and have fun while doing it.
And then we'll have other activities we'll have, um, you know, our more, hands-on either creating something or doing an experiment type activity, um, and then a trivia type activity. But the one that I'm about to talk about is we have a drawing activity as well. and this particular drawing activity for the rainforest was to draw a parrot. So I was like, you know, what I'm going to do for these Tappernauts, um, is I'm going to go out and I'm going to find those little green parrots. Um, and I'm going to film a video of myself with one of them and blow their minds.
Cause we're drawing them this week and this will be great because they exist where I live. Um, so I went on this hike out in Malibu where I had seen them before and I spent. Maybe two hours tracking down these parrots, I would hear them and like go towards the sound. And eventually there was, um, there was a few in a tree pretty far away.
So I used as much zoom as I could on my phone camera zooming in trying to find these parrots. was they're very loud,
Marissa: [00:06:21] their sound is a good way to find where they, where
they are.
56 haley: [00:06:24] definitely. So I had zoomed in and I got a pretty clear picture. I was like, okay, my Zoom's enough to where you could at least see like little green specks on, on the trees. So I could be like, these are, the parrots we're drawing. Um, so I leave the hike a little hungry. So I stopped at a pavilions in the pavilions parking lot immediately above my car.
This tree is FULL ofthese green parrots, like closer than I'd probably ever seen a bird like this, they were just everywhere. And I was like, man, well, I could have just gone grocery shopping. I didn't have to go out into the wild, but Southern California is crazy as is evidenced in, Lost at Sea with their wildlife encounters.
It's thrill wild down here.
Marissa: [00:07:06] Yeah. I haven't seen a bear yet, but definitely you have some monk parakeets, sightings.
56 haley: [00:07:13] hope that wasn't too much of a tangent, but that story, but you talked about the monk parakeets and
Marissa: [00:07:17] me. I of like the, this is the tangent zone, uh, extra drama is, but seems like it seems very much on topic to me, we can change the topic away from science to, to one other little thing that, you know, we talked a little bit of in the main episode about this interesting kind of psychological undercurrent to Lost at Sea, which was Winston the class clown. And there was a line that really stood out to me that I thought could be kind of fun to talk about. And I'll like, I dunno, just sort of like dish session kind of way,
. Early on when Jessica is annoyed with Winston and thinking about how she doesn't know what Maria sees in him.
It's certainly not. Uh, his looks says
Winston was lanky and awkward with no muscles worth mentioning,
56 haley: [00:08:07] Yeah.
Marissa: [00:08:08] but goes on to, she thinks to herself, , he was an institution at sweet valley, high invited to every party because he provided free entertainment. But boy, I'd rather date a guy with absolutely no sense of humor than one with too much thought. And, uh, thought when I read that sentence, I was like...really?, I, it's, I mean, too much sense of humor does sound pretty bad, but like no sense of humor. I don't know. What did you think? What do you, did you notice that at
all? Is it just me.
56 haley: [00:08:47] Definitely. But I think it's also because, um, and I hate to admit this because of what this has about me. Um, but I had to learn that exact lesson in college. Um, I, uh, so I didn't really date much in college. Um, and, uh, there was this, um, strapping gentlemen. We had a real meet, cute, uh, my senior year in an elevator, um, where we discovered that we lived across from each other in an apartment building.
And he left a note on my door saying like, if you ever need milk or sugar, you can know where to find me. And I was like, okay. Um, turns out that's the most clever thing he will ever say in his life? Um, he's very, very handsome.
Marissa: [00:09:28] man. He
got on your hands.
56 haley: [00:09:31] So, um, uh, very attractive. And at that point in my life, I thought like, if I'm attracted to you, like the rest will come, you know what I mean?
Like, that's the Mo I was like, I think at this, at this particular moment in my life, I think that that is the most important thing. And as long as we're attracted to each other, like a relationship can happen, boy, was I wrong? So I think I really came to know this when, um, we were literally sitting on a couch in his apartment, just pulling teeth, trying to have a conversation with each other.
And we started playing words, with friends, because that was popular at the time. Um, uh, I was like trying to joke about things, didn't understand any of them and truly my life. That was the first time that I was like, personality matters. And like, I was probably too old to be learning that lesson.
but I was like, truly, there is more to a relationship. Like you need to have a sense of humor. And that's when I realized that that was an important thing for me. My husband now is very, very silly. so sure
Marissa: [00:10:30] And I spend least one day a week sort of making dumb jokes in a, in studio in Burbank, like really, really dumb jokes
56 haley: [00:10:43] So,
Marissa: [00:10:44] really hard today at a joke that I wrote that wasn't even a joke. It was just like a repetition of words, know, it just, I laughed so hard.
I really cracked myself up.
56 haley: [00:10:58] oh, tappity is a Haven for corny jokes like that. It's where they all belong. They can all live their best lives, all those corny jokes. Um, but yeah, so I really, uh, I really felt that I was like, oh, Jessica in your life. You will learn that the way somebody looks is the least important part of your relationship.
Marissa: [00:11:20] Will she learn that? I hope she learns it
56 haley: [00:11:23] I mean, I think that my husband is a handsome man. I am attracted to him as well. So I'm not saying like I learned my lesson and now, you know, he's silly and that's enough if he's listening to this podcast. Um, but,
Marissa: [00:11:35] yes.
56 haley: [00:11:35] I learned in, in that moment, that was my exact thought is like, oh, you're young, soon.
You will know that too much sense of humor is maybe the most attractive quality in another human being, because it's a long life. It's a long life. There are many ups and downs,
Marissa: [00:11:50] Yeah,
56 haley: [00:11:51] when you have a Marissa knows very well, the trials and tribulations of us having a one-year-old and trying to go about our lives with our one-year-old child, but takes 200% of our energy at all times.
And Marissa is, oh
Marissa: [00:12:05] at all times.
56 haley: [00:12:06] yeah, it doesn't all working together.
Marissa: [00:12:10] He's great. I like him a lot,
yeah, no, I, for me, I'm really, I am the sort of person that, like, me, there's a big difference between seeing and acknowledging that someone is physically attractive and actually being attracted to them. if I. Saw someone who was really attractive. And I learned that they were dumb.
Like I, the attraction, it wouldn't like, it's not that it would cease it's that it would never have had a chance to like foam it.
56 haley: [00:12:44] Yes,
Marissa: [00:12:45] wouldn't have gotten to the point to be attracted to them. Whereas on the flip side, if someone is not visually appealing to me, but I get to know them and I'm like a Maria Santelli in that way, you know,
56 haley: [00:12:56] absolutely.
Marissa: [00:12:57] doesn't sound like my type physically, but if I got to, I mean, nor really, he sounds like an annoying little shit, but if I got, if I. I will have to admit if I were stranded on a deserted island
and he were single, I would have started thinking as soon as he started showing a great guy he was, I would have started thinking about how like, oh, well, if we're stuck here for too long, you know what I mean? We might have to keep each other warm at night.
You know, I would
56 haley: [00:13:24] Thousand percent.
Marissa: [00:13:25] to that place that Jessica never goes. Even when she's fantasizing, I read a quote in the main episode about how she's thinking about how he's going to look like rip van Winkle with those long beard, and she's going to have scraggly.
doesn't think about their little children that they're going to have or how be married by like a, you know, a coconut on a stick
you know,
56 haley: [00:13:46] And it was dangling. She was like, you know, my sister's going to get married. My brother's going to get married and I'm going to grow old with Winston, but doesn't move towards like the marriage. Like she, she talks about two weddings and then uses the phrase, grow old with Wednesday and, and still, it doesn't come to the point she's like, maybe him.
But one thing I will say that I, sorry.
Marissa: [00:14:09] oh, I suppose. And I'll tell you, Jessica, I don't know how long she could go without having some, some physical affection.
you know, they would at least have to make out a little bit, I think, after, after three or four days,
56 haley: [00:14:23] I mean, she couldn't go six hours without a date on this field trip. So I mean, multiple days.
Marissa: [00:14:30] so true. It's so
56 haley: [00:14:32] I will say I appreciated that they set Jessica up. Like, I don't know. I maybe had to change my perspective on it a little bit from being like they weren't, I'm sorry, if this is too harsh of a word, you can tell me, uh, they never like slut-shamed her, you know what I mean? Like, it was kind of empowering the whole time.
Her being like Jessica plays the field, like Jessica is in control. Like she is like, know. Like they, uh,
she was kind of like a Samantha in sex in the city. Like she was like, um, they referred to her like playing the field and they talked about her, like, you know, her being boy crazy and all these things.
Um, but I feel like they kind of did it in an empowering way. Like they never, they never,
Marissa: [00:15:11] Jessica is. That's what she's into. It's like in the
56 haley: [00:15:14] Hmm.
Marissa: [00:15:15] you know, a different character is into like taking pretty pictures know, Elizabeth likes to write, you know, Jessica likes to
chase boys.
56 haley: [00:15:24] definitely. And she was definitely in control on her pursuit of Ken Matthews. Like she, like, she made her move when she wanted to like. And, uh,
Marissa: [00:15:34] says something to Laila on the boat. When she, before she does that, that's like, let's have a little fun. She's just like, I'm going to go. I'm going to go play this game
now where I
56 haley: [00:15:42] definitely it was like a traditionally and I don't mean to sound sexist saying this. It was like a traditionally masculine energy, especially in 1989 when, when this was written, you know what I mean? Like the idea of being like I'm on the prowl, I'm on the pursuit. Like Ken Matthews is like, you know, like my prey of the day.
Marissa: [00:16:00] never really thought about that. We
like third wave feminism coming into play and see valley high,
56 haley: [00:16:10] It's really
Marissa: [00:16:11] wave, acknowledged. Haley, thank you so much. See, this ended up being a juicy or topic than I thought it might
56 haley: [00:16:23] sure.
Marissa: [00:16:24] for our extra drama. Thank you so much again for doing this with me, for reading the book
56 haley: [00:16:29] Thank you.
Marissa: [00:16:30] being great
56 haley: [00:16:31] Thank you.
for being great.
Oh my pleasure.
Marissa: [00:16:36] You're welcome. And gladiators, uh, tune in next week to find out about teacher crush, which we're really crossing our fingers and, uh, ourselves that, uh, there's not going to be any, anything too upsetting, uh, occurring within the pages
56 haley: [00:16:54] can't wait to listen in and find out because I'm on and breath.
Marissa: [00:16:58] All right. Well, if you want to borrow it, I can lend you
my copy.
56 haley: [00:17:01] hooked now. So have to read the first 55.
Marissa: [00:17:05] Yeah, I think it's a great idea. Um, well thank you so much for listening and, uh, remember to subscribe to the show if you haven't already and to tell a friend Haley, thanks again so much for being here. I'll
56 haley: [00:17:20] you.
Marissa: [00:17:22] Bye.
We did it.
56 haley: [00:17:44] And I was like, I'll start now. And I'll read a little bit, each day. I have like, you know, three or four days to read it and I just read the whole thing. It like clipped along. It was like, well, Hey, like I can't stop. I have to know.
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